How to complete your profile...
Law Firm Members:

All Law Firm members, both resident and non-resident, should complete a Law Firm Profile and an Individual/Representative Profile page for each of their representatives.
To complete a Law Firm Profile click on the purple button below and then return to this page to complete the individual/ representative profile(s) (blue button below).
Note: Please have your firm logo in square format as indicated so that it does not get cropped by the dynamic page formatting; have your company brochure as pdf; and all names and emails of your representative(s).
Individual Members and Representatives:

Individual members and representatives of Law Firms, Arbitral Institutions and Universities can complete their profile by clicking on the blue button below and completing the profile form.
Note: Please make sure to have a hi-resolution head shot and your resume as well as links to up to three published articles at hand.
Education and Arbitral Institution Members:

All University and Arbitral Institution members should complete a profile page for their organization first and then complete an individual member page for each of their representatives.
To complete your institution profile click on the grey button below and then return to this page to easily access and complete the individual/representative profile(s). (blue button above)